Episode 30: Pandemic Roundup

Colin, Josh, Shaina, and Shawn wearing masks

Josh, Colin, Shaina and Shawn talk about what they’ve been up to since the pandemic started, how they’re coping, what they’ve learned about themselves, and of course, Josh’s tragic dating life. To listen to this episode from the newsletter, click here: https://share.transistor.fm/s/23dd6421

Episode 29: Love & Journalism

Colin and Lucy and Tom and Josh

Lucy Gellman (Arts Paper) and Thomas Breen (New Haven Independent) join us to talk about journalism in New Haven, how arts are represented in the media, as well as who our favorite (and least favorite) candidates are. Available on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, or here: https://share.transistor.fm/s/d2b97659

New Haven to Hartford: A CTrail Adventure

CTrail Opening Ceremony

If you’ve ever argued with me on reddit (and you probably have), you know I’m a huge proponent of public transportation. I ride my bicycle to work. I take the bus when it rains. I’m a huge fan of trains and Connecticut’s push for CTrail. I’ve never had a compelling reason to take the new(-ish) … Read more

Episode 28: New Haven Comedy

Fistful of Jokes owner Andrew Morgan joins Shawn Murray and Josh to talk about the New Haven comedy scene, whether New Haven could support a comedy club, and who he wishes he could get to come to New Haven. Also available here: https://share.transistor.fm/s/9d7e123b

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