Life as a New Haven Influencer


What motivates someone to start a blog? The fame? The power? The women? No. For me, it was the desire to carve out a niche outside of the New Haven Independent where we could complain loudly about the fact that the year is 2021 and I still don’t have my bike lane, Doug. Where’s my … Read more

What We Talk About When We Talk About New Haven

The first time someone asked me a ridiculous question about New Haven, I was twelve years old and at a state-wide middle school band competition, oiling the valves of my trumpet before rehearsal. Upon learning where I was from, the boy with whom I shared a music stand turned to me and asked, “Do you … Read more

Me and the Dirt Bikers

It’s springtime, so, once again, young men’s minds turn to dirt biking on the streets of New Haven. I’m a bit of an expert on this phenomenon because I had a too-close encounter with a gang of New Haven’s dirt bikers—yet emerged relatively unscathed. First, Some Background Last fall, I was months into shooting a … Read more

New Haven On the Cheap

Like most cities, New Haven provides plenty(ish) of cultural and entertainment options. But with those things comes a price. Typically, in gold doubloons or whatever people are using for money these days. (I think maybe Apple controls money now?) Sure, I love Yale Repertory Theater, but it’s $92.00 for a seat. NINETY TWO DOLLARS. Even … Read more

Why I Love New Haven

Do you know what today is, Dear Reader? Of course you do! It’s my Birthday! Which I don’t have to cancel this year because America is dumb. So I’ve decided I’m actually going to enjoy myself this year and celebrate a little, and you know what I really want to celebrate? How much I love … Read more

New Haven Must Lead Connecticut’s Future

If you’ve been under a rock for the last few years, you might’ve missed the bad news: Apparently, Connecticut is a post-apocalyptic wasteland from which there is no escape from taxes, regulations, and unfunded pension liabilities. There are literally dozens of articles about it. But fundamentally, there are a few things building a sort of … Read more

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