Episode 28: New Haven Comedy

Fistful of Jokes owner Andrew Morgan joins Shawn Murray and Josh to talk about the New Haven comedy scene, whether New Haven could support a comedy club, and who he wishes he could get to come to New Haven. Also available here: https://share.transistor.fm/s/9d7e123b

Episode 27: Josh Levinson

Shaina Hotchkiss joins Colin Ryan in a very special episode interviewing the creator of Between Two Rocks, Josh Levinson. We talk about breakups, being single, comedy, generational trauma, depression, and what Josh’s favorite joke is. Available here: https://share.transistor.fm/s/a67581dc

Episode 26: MakeHaven

JR Logan from MakeHaven joins us on a brand new episode of the podcast! We talk about all of the fabulous injuries you can get at MakeHaven, and I guess some of the neat toys they have as well! Plus Josh spreads Instagram rumors for no reason. Co-host: Colin Ryan

Episode 25: Building Community with Lee Cruz

Shawn, Josh, and Lee in the Studio

Community Outreach Director Lee Cruz joins Josh and co-host Shawn Murray on the podcast to discuss how we develop communities, push community projects over the finish line, and how many Instagram followers we all have. Check it out on Spotify, iTunes, or on BetweenTwoRocks.com today!

Episode 24: Kawit!

Shaina, Kevin, Seth, and Josh

Kevin and Seth from Kawit! join co-host Shaina Hotchkiss to talk about running a pop-up Filipino restaurant. We discuss the challenges of finding a location, and Josh offers both a heartfelt apology to Seth as well as a totally pointless story.

Episode 22: NewHaven.IO

Steve and Henry from NewHaven.IO join us to talk about the New Haven tech community, how to get into the tech scene, and what our most hated programming languages are. Or download it here: https://share.transistor.fm/s/878efe79

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