Hello, dear reader. It’s been too long.
As we all know, 2017 is winding down, and while it was only technically one year, I think we’ve all aged horribly (you still look great, though).
Next week, I’ll be doing my annual Best of 2017 Awards (you can see last year’s awards here). But in the meantime, why not look into the future and find some hope and optimism for what is to come? Big things are happening in New Haven!
Luckey Climbers
If you’ve ever had the fortune to visit the Boston Children’s Museum, you’ll remember the sprawling sort of 3D maze which are affectionately known as “Luckey Climbers” from their creator, Thomas Luckey.

Source: Wikimedia Commons
Luckey, of New Haven, wants to bring a climber to downtown New Haven, at the Millennial Plaza. Work has begun for waterproofing the concrete underneath, and then, in 2018, work can begin!
I don’t think they’re gonna let me in, but that’s okay. I guess it’s okay to make something for kids.

District New Haven
District New Haven is a coworking space meant for entrepreneurs and the like. You know, an innovation space. (Each time you say innovation space, an angel investor gets their wings!).
Progress has been humming along and I’m hoping at least some of the features will be available in 2018.

District New Haven will include a kayak launch, an ampitheater, a beer garden, and a food hall, right on the East Rock/Fair Haven line. It should be a great addition to New Haven and I can’t wait.
If you read this blog, you’ll know I’m pretty excited about $8 rail service to Hartford. I know, I know, nobody likes Hartford. But I’ve already made my argument and I’m sticking to it.
But the countdown is on. In just five short months, we’ll finally be able to ride this train. When I want to go to a UConn game or a comedy open mic at Sea Tea Improv, bam, just jump on the train. No need to drive a car like some kind of pleb.
You want to go to Meriden, for some reason? Heck yeah you do.
If Gouveia Vineyards is smart, they’ll run a shuttle straight from the Wallingford station, and that’s when shit is gonna get really real. Nothing quite like a train full of wasted girls in vests and fur boots.
The Next Stage of Downtown Crossing
Is this the year that LiveWorkLearnPlay finally does something?
Hahahahaha… probably not.
Harp supposedly is giving them more time to redesign the project, but I’m not holding my breath.
But the rest of the project continues to slowly lurch forward, and we’ve even seen a few renderings of the new “Entrance to the Elm City.”

Source: New Haven Independent
Soon, you’ll be able to wander right down Temple Street into the Hill, for some reason. Probably because you’re part of the biomedical industry and are curing some disease only six people get so you’ll have to charge $100,000 and then everyone on the Internet will hate you.
Meanwhile, RMS Companies, run by Randy Salvatore (who created and sold the Novella apartment building for a tidy profit), is going to be building apartments and biomedical facilities over in the Hill.
Will Church Street South ever be emptied and rebuilt? Will Threefifths ever win his war on gentrification? Nobody knows. But I’m excited to find out!
The Canal Boathouse
The Long Wharf Canal Boathouse will finally be finished, and yeah, it’s mostly for Yalies and Southernies, but there have been rumors about allowing public kayak rentals, etc. Which I think makes sense.
In fact, if this doesn’t happen, I will personally write a program that email Toni Harp every day complaining until someone issues a cease and desist.

Edgewood Bike Lane
I’m mostly being selfish on this one. I bought a house in Edgewood and can’t wait for the city to start building the new protected bike lane.

Source: CDM
The commute by bicycle is already excellent, but it’d be even better with a bike lane. Plus, it will do a better job connecting Westville and Edgewood to the rest of the city. Cause I know the rest of you East Rock snobs are like, “Ugh, that’s like another planet and barely counts as New Haven.”
We’re onto you, East Rock.
The Canal Trail
Will we finally finish the Canal Trail all the way through to Long Wharf?
In 2018? Probably not. But after the easements have been acquired, the trail should now be able to push through the Grove Street garage and finally come out near Olive Street, where sharrows will “protect” bikers as they make their way towards Long Wharf.

Last news I saw, bidding was supposed to be done in 2017, so with any luck, we’ll see some progress on this.
Things We Haven’t Even Imagined Yet
The thing I’m most looking forward to? The unknown.
This year, I had an opportunity to meet even more New Haven personalities doing amazing things I never even imagined possible. This is a city full of people who care and love for their city, who are constantly coming up with creative ways of doing things.
I never knew Elm City Games would be a thing. Or the Grove.
Maybe YOU will be the one to make that next great leap!
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I sort of figured out how that thing works. Sort of.
See you next week for the Year-End Awards!