100% of New Haven Restaurants Now Poke Places

In an attempt to revitalize New Haven’s flagging economy, Surprisingly Still Mayor Toni Harp enacted an Executive Order demanding all New Haven restaurants must become Poke places, despite protest from local business and consumers. New Haven, which currently held the record of highest density of pizza-and-Italian-restaurants-per-person (at 1 restaurant for every 1 human), must quickly … Read more

Going Car-less in New Haven

Two weeks ago, I learned a lesson many teenagers across this wonderful nation learn every week: Your car definitely needs oil. I actually already knew that. But time has a funny way of getting away from you and the next thing you know that’s kind of a weird smell, is there even any oil in … Read more

Episode 6: You’ll Never Walk Alone

This week (month?), I sit down with the members of the Liverpool New Haven Supporters Club. Co-host Dave Form returns as I sit down with LFC New Haven members Michael Greer and Andrew Shetty to discuss how the group formed, how to join, and why everyone should hate Manchester United.

My Favorite Almost-New Haven Places

Listen, Readers. I would never, ever urge you to leave New Haven. There’s nothing for you out there. Everything you need in this world… is right here. Unless you count reasonably-priced grocery stories, a decent hardware store, or anywhere to dance to EDM. But let’s say you wanted to explore beyond New Haven, for some … Read more

How to Lose a Wallet in Ten Days

Czech Wallet

Whether or not it feels like it, autumn is coming. And with it, Yalies. Everywhere. Wandering into the streets. Filling coffee shops. Adjusting their rounded glasses. And with them, comes another year of Yale warning them about the very, very dangerous areas of New Haven. (Or as we call it, “off campus.”) But anybody can … Read more

The Weird Wonderful World of Yale Architecture

The city of New Haven contains any number of fascinating, strange buildings. Many of them owned by the monolithic Yale University. And because of that, many of them are impenetrable fortresses: sealed from the outside, and available only to those with privilege and Yale ID’s. For many years, I remember walking by Rudolph Hall (the … Read more

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